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This is an opportunity to share your experience with the world. You can contribute an absolutely original 250 - 400 words article pertaining to the following categories. I am even willing to start a new category if your article does not fit into any of the stated categories. 

If the article is truly interesting, I'll have the same published in Marketing Pundit Articles section of this website. However, you will have to REGISTER yourself (free of cost) for the article to be even considered for publishing.

Please do not forget to include a small write up (not exceeding 25 words) about yourself along with your article. Your identity will be revealed for all to see and read. The article should have a heading of not more than 8 words.

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Please Write or Contact :

Deep Banerjee

66 K Suren Sarkar Road, Beliaghata, Kolkata 700010, India.
Ph: +91 33 2370 3608
Mobile: +91 98301 53536

Email : deep@marketingpundit.com


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